09 October, 2014

A tight relationship between a solitary bee and Prosopis pollen hosts

by Favio G. Vossler

Prosopis alba (“algarrobo blanco”)

To find out the plants providers of pollen for bee feeding, pollen analysis is a very useful method. In the present research, pollen from nest provisions and scopal loads from museum specimens was studied by light microscope. Despite the great diversity of floral resources close to active nest aggregations in the Chaco region, the only host-plant recorded in all nest pollen samples was Prosopis (known as “algarrobo”, which belongs to the same genus as the “mesquite”). Another Prosopis species was identified from museum specimens from Monte region.

Read the whole summary in: English or Spanish!
Read the scientific publication in JPE.

Stingless bees improve apple pollination and production

by Blandina Felipe Viana et al.

A stingless bee visiting an apple flower (Photo by: Tiago Mahlmann)
The use of Africanised honeybee (Apis mellifera scutellata Lepeletier) hives to increase pollination success in apple orchards is a widespread practice. However, this study is the first to investigate the number of honeybee hives ha-1 required to increase the production of fruits and seeds as well as the potential contribution of the stingless bee Mandaçaia (Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides Lepeletier). 

Read the whole summary in: English!
Read the scientific publication in JPE.