By Serra et al.
A syrphid fly visting flowers |
Understanding the diversity patterns of pollinators and their interactions with plants is crucial to design effective conservation plans. The Mediterranean basin is a hotspot of pollinator diversity. Nevertheless, we need to know how distributed it is in the region and its conservation status. We aim to answer these questions in this region: Which are the most prevalent pollinator functional groups and how diverse are they? Which are the most specialised and generalised species? To what extent are they threatened?
In this study, we analysed and compar
ed data
gathered over two years from three main habitats on the island of Mallorca:
rocky coastal, coastal dune and mountainous. We had two more years of data from
the coastal dune system to examine the effect of a perturbation in the area. We
described the pollinator community composition, species richness and diversity
for the three habitats. The differences we detected likely respond to
differences in floral resource availability, pollinator mobility skills, and
thermal constraints. The degree of specialisation of a given pollinator
species, regardless of the functional group to which it belongs, was
context-dependent. Some native and endemic species are threatened; thus,
conservation strategies should be planned for them and further studied,
especially their role in the community. We highlight that most pollinator
species do not have an IUCN conservation status; for some groups, such as
coleopterans, dipterans, hoverflies and wasps, almost no species is catalogued.