By Arifin and Okamoto
A halictid bee visiting the flower of Coreopsis
lanceolata, with its entire body heavily loaded with pollen. |
Coreopsis lanceolata,
originally from North America, has become an invasive species in Japan. It has
spread to various parts of Japan, including remote islands, and has a negative
effect on the environment and native species by competing for resources and
reducing light availability to native vegetation.
success plays a crucial role in establishing and spreading invasive species in
the introduced range. The invasive plant C. lanceolata is
self-incompatible, meaning it cannot self-fertilize and depends on pollen vectors
for seed production; however, it is
known to produce many seeds, up to 12,000 per individual per flowering season.
This study aimed to shed light on the reproductive biology and mutualistic
plant-pollinator interactions that contribute to successful seed production in C.
lanceolata in the introduced range of Japan. This study involved observing floral
visitors, conducting bagged and open pollination treatments, and analyzing
floral scents. This study discovered that C. lanceolata attracts a
diverse group of insects, including 60 species from 20 families. However, one
functional group, the halictid bees, was found to be the most important in
terms of frequency of visits and pollen-carrying ability. The study also found
that the floral scent of C. lanceolata mainly consists of monoterpenes,
sesquiterpenes, and benzenoids. In addition, the average seed set was nearly
30% of the ovules produced in the introduced range of Japan. Overall, these
findings provide insight into the mechanisms that allow invasive plant C.
lanceolata to establish and thrive in new environments through successful
reproduction. Read the scientific publication in JPE
オオキンケイギク(Coreopsis lanceolata)は北米原産であり、日本では侵略的な外来種である。日本では、本島だけでなく遠方の島々にまで広がり、在来種との資源競争を引き起こしている。
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